Caregiver &me bonding



These classes are specifically designed for young children and their caregivers. They can be one family or multiple families together.

Sometimes bonding with a young child can be challenging, especially if there are behavior or medical issues to contend with. Creating together is a great way to enhance non-verbal communication between a caregiver and child. We will practice learning and responding to our child’s cues, as well as focusing on the strengths of our relationships.

Ages: Generally 6 months - 4 years old, although that is flexible depending on the situation.

Space: We will mostly be working on the floor. Please have an area you don't mind getting messy or that is easy to clean. I will warn you about specific supplies in advance so you can be ready.

If working in your home is not possible, that’s okay! There are many options for spaces nearby. Also, I love working outside when weather permits. Maybe even in the winter, with proper outerwear and alternative art materials!